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Genomic DNA

The museum accepts only the Genomic DNA stored through speed vacuum evaporation or other methods that can be stored at room temperature without special treatment.

Document Code of ISO9001 References I-NS-NBT-01


  • The consumer is required to package Genomic DNA into a Centrifuge Tube or Micro Tube or a non-leakproof plastic threaded tube, dry and seal the tube properly, identify the DNA content inside the tube, including basic information such as the scientific name and sample code. Which corresponds to the request document for depositing on the tube or on the label attached to the tube

  • A260 / A280 ratio between 1.6 - 1.9 or A260 / A280 ratio between 1.8 - 2.1

    Expected yield: Up to 20 μg

  • In this case, the museum will not inspect the inside of the package prior to storage. Will keep it for you Therefore, the responsibility of the genetic material will depend directly on the depositor or service user.

  • Collect 2 patterns

1.Speed ​​Vacuum Centrifuge dry in centrifuge tube with taplet
2.Keep liquid in -80C in Brook Biostores II

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