Storage Services
Source of funds NSTDA
To deposit information with permission before removing the data
Source of funds outside NSTDA
Deposits from projects under external funding sources NSTDA
To deposit information with permission before removing the data
Search Service
Database of Snipse Genetic Diversity (SNP) and Indel (INDEL) in Thai Population
Service Tools to support Data Interpretation
A tool for predicting results from hemoglobin typing and interpreting results according to type of risk pairs
Tools to help detect chromosomal abnormalities And the sex of the fetus and mother
Tools to help predict resistance risk
Tools that provide genetic analysis services. For plant breeding
A tool that compiles, analyzes, predicts and interprets results in pharmacogenomic
Software Service
An efficient haplotype-based technique to identify, date and describe admixture events using genome-wide autosomal data