Mushroom Museum
The Mushroom Museum was the original nucleus of the BBH herbarium described above, and deserves particular mention. It was founded around 1996 by Dr. Nigel Hywel Jones, who initiated the Laboratory for the Study of Fungal Diseases of Insects. Many such fungi produce compounds of considerable pharmacological interest. Dr. Nigel has worked in conjunction with a large mycological team that includes researchers Dr. Robert J. Bandoni and Prof. Dr. Tim M. Flegel of Mahidol University. The Mushroom Museum maintains more than 45,000 registered specimens, including about 12,000 specimens of insect pathogenic fungi, 12,000 specimens of mushroom and 3,400 specimens of Xylariales. In addition to its scientific work, the Mushroom Museum has published several beautifully illustrated books highlighting the remarkable beauty and diversity of fungi